Monday, November 16, 2009

ethical Decision making

GET THE FACTS:to make your dicition is right. first you start with opinions.You gather facts bassed on what's relevant .You then test opinion againts reality.
INDENTIFYING STAKEHOLDER AND THIER POSITION:in politics,people or group who care about dicitions that are made in a certain area are called interest group or "STAKEHOLDERS" in the dabate over how the limited water in phillipines should be used includ: farmers who need water for crops;citizens who live in cities who need water to drink shower and water thier gardens; developers who want to build homes;businesses who need water to make things in thier factories;fishers who need full streams so that salmon can spawn, etc. who should get the most water?It depends on your perspective!!!
CONSIDER CONSEQUENCES:we have the same problem wheather it cosidered or not, based in you situation.
WAVE VARIOUS GUIDELINES AND PRINCIPLES:frist we must know the guidlines and principles so that no one would get mistaker or wrong moves.
DEVELOPED,EVALUATE AND PLAN OPTIONS:we must developed our mind,or expond our tinking so that if thiers a problem we can solve easily.
REVIEW DECISION:reveiw always your dicition after you finished tinking so that you can tink another good ang greater dicition.
EVALUATE THE RESULT OF YOUR DICITION:we have to evaluate the result of our dicition so that so that no one could hurt to your dicition ..


  1. .......its simple and kulang pa sa ganda but its nice to have than not have,hehehe..hope my comment will not make you feel bad.......

  2. Your blog is very simple. Make it attractive by having a touch of colors and designs.

  3. Your Blog is very simple but I like it because it reflects your personality... Be yourself!

  4. Hi!? I think you need to improve your blog because it is very simple..but i like it ..just take care..
